The Risk And Opportunity For America’s Corporate Pension Plans
The Risk And Opportunity For America's
Corporate Pension Plans
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
There is a curious anomaly in the corporate world in the United States that is putting the beneficiaries of U.S. corporate pension funds at risk. Stated very simply, while more...

Standing Rock Protest: Finding The Long-Term Solution
Standing Rock Protest: Finding
The Long-Term Solution
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
Except for the last remaining climate change deniers, of which there are still a surprising number, it is generally acknowledged that many of the oil reserves that have already...

The Board That Embraced Stakeholders Beyond Shareholders
The Board That Embraced Stakeholders
Beyond Shareholders
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
What would it look like for the board of directors of a major corporation to consider, in a meaningful or material way, stakeholders beyond its shareholders? To be sure, many...

Socially responsible funds can give your 401(k) a conscience
Socially Responsible Funds Can Give
Your 401(k) a Conscience
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
It might not happen today or tomorrow, but soon you may get the chance to invest in a socially responsible investment in your 401(k) plan. That’s because the Labor Department...

The Missing 60%: ExxonMobil, Forceful Stewardship and the 2°C Business Model Imperative
The Missing 60%: ExxonMobil, Forceful Stewardship
and the 2°C Business Model Imperative
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
The Spring 2016 proxy votes supporting the 2°C stress test resolutions at last week's Annual General Meetings of ExxonMobil (38.2%) and Chevron (41%) give cause for both...

What The World Needs Now: Sustainability Accounting Standards
What The World Needs Now:
Sustainability Accounting Standards
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
“The new SASB standards allow us—for the first time—to identify and measure exposure to climate risk across companies and industries. Climate change affects all markets and...

Corporations And Climate Change: Who Will Lead The Way?
Corporations And Climate Change:
Who Will Lead The Way?
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
Let me start by asking a question. What do China Steel, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Nestle, Walmart, CalSTRS, and the ACCA all have in common? I will accept answers on a postcard, but...

Why It’s Time For Boards To Take A Stand On Sustainability
Why It's Time For Boards To Take
A Stand On Sustainability
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
What is the biggest barrier to sustainable development? There are many, but I’d like to flag one that I think hasn’t received enough attention so far: boards of directors of...

Why GE’s Integrated Report Makes A Powerful Statement
Why GE's Integrated Report Makes
A Powerful Statement
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
“We are just beginning our transformation as the Digital Industrial Company.” So says General Electric Chairman of the Board and CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt in the “GE 2015 Integrated...

Why Private Equity Can Take A Lead In ESG
Why Private Equity Can
Take A Lead In ESG
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
Private equity (PE) firms have an enormous opportunity to create social value and improve the environment and, in doing so, improve their financial returns. This can be done by...

Where Does The Carbon Come From?
Where Does The
Carbon Come From?
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
It is generally agreed that COP21 was a great success. In welcoming the historic climate agreement, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Lise Kingo said that: “Never...

Why Is Good Governance Important?
Why Is Good Governance
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
Last week I had the privilege of participating in “The Future of the Corporation: Business for Society Conference” held in Santiago. The conference was organized by the ESE...

Does The Financial World Finally Get Climate Change?
Does The Financial World Finally
Get Climate Change?
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
“The combination of the weight of scientific evidence and the dynamics of the financial system suggest that, in the fullness of time, climate change will threaten financial...

The Climate Custodians
The Climate
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
The basis for this post is a new Harvard Business School Working Paper1 that expands on the idea of the climate custodians within the unique governance context of the Statement...

Shifting the dialogue to the long term
Shifting the Dialogue
To the Long Term
Articles 2016, News & Analysis
On September 22, 2016 CECP, ‘The CEO Force for Good,’ will launch its Strategic Investor Initiative (SII). The purpose of the SII is to shift the conversation between companies...
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